Wednesday, November 13, 2013


HEY!! Sorry to be typing in all caps like that but there's a good reason: I just this Veterans' Day (Remembrance Day if you live in certain other countries) received my Gunpla Real Grade set! In case you didn't read my previous post, I won a set of the first 11 Real Grade Gunpla models in a thing (the official Gundam news and video portal!) was holding called the "Gundam Midyear Campaign" where you could enter a code from buying certain Gunpla sets or any set in certain places to enter the contest. Once entered, you had to take a survey and then choose which prize drawing to enter. I chose the Real Grade set (it said that 88 people would receive it by the way), and later got a "you have won, congrats"-type email from It said that my set would be delivered on the day Hiroshi Yamauchi died or later. (Funny [well, not humorous funny {death is never nice, except Hitler's}, more weird funny] how both those dates coincided with days relating to death. [Veterans' Day isn't about death, but Remembrance Day is.]) Well, it finally came, like 2 months later! My parents were actually concerned that it wouldn't ever arrive. Here's some pics:
The box was pretty big if you can't tell.
Why does it say 1964 on it...?
I'm assuming "GODZILLA" is referring to how super freaking huge it is. I can just imagine their box size scale: 'Tiny, small, medium, large, GODZILLA.'

I didn't actually know who or what the box was for until I saw my name on the address and written in marker in the corner of the box - when I saw that, somehow I knew.

The inside was just boxes and boxes of them (11 in all) arranged to fit in the box with barely any room left. I also found it weird how the bottom lid-things of all the boxes were black, shiny, and felt like that stuff paperboard boxes are on the outside. Normal Gundam bottom-lid-thingies are cardboard-feeling and pretty much look like cardboard too.

In the corner of the arrangement, there was a two-model-wide stack with 3 layers. In this picture, I've taken off the first layer.

The second layer moved. Why do I have such detailed coverage of the box and not the models? I don't know. Who cares about the freaking box?! Why am I so thoroughly discussing the box and the inside arrangement?!
I took out the models and made two piles - one pile would most likely topple over. If it didn't on its own, my brothers would make sure it did.
Ok, that's it for now. I've finished the RX-78-2 model and I've started on the MS-06F Zaku II (original green). Just found out the hard way: don't buy RG unless you like lots and lots of tiny decals. The RX had like, close to 120. The end result really pays off, though, I gotta say.

Well, in other stuff I went to In-N-Out again at some vague time. I've started a habit of adding pics of when I visit In-N-Out or other burger places to posts. I even have a "Burgers" tag for posts. Here's the pic:
Sadly, I can't remember when or why I went.
Also, like I said I would, I'm adding pics of my Gundam Wing model that I finished 33 days ago.
This is what the model looks like in good light, at a more or less frontal view.

It has these awesome wings (probably shoulda expected that from a Gundam with 'Wing' in the name) in the back.

Did I mention said wings can be extended for the awesome Bird Mode? (Bird Mode also requires attaching a big red plane-nose-type-accessory.)

Accessory 2(the red thing counts as #1): Inexplicably funny-smelling miniature figure of the Mobile Suit's pilot. In this lighting, it looks like his shirt is being pulled upward by some mysterious force, but really it's just tucked funny.

Accessory 3: Cool sword. No explanation needed.
Ok, that's it for now. (I really mean it this time.)