Sorry I haven't posted for so long. Happy Thanksgiving! Happy birthday to my little brother! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Groundhog Day! I've got a ton of pics.
Topic 1: SMUD Christmas Party
My dad works at a utility place in Sacramento called SMUD. They have a Christmas party every year, and my family always goes. When we were about to leave, I was allowed to explore the building. I went through staircase upon staircase, explored doors and floors, and got onto the roof at one point. When I was done, I had managed to unknowingly get to the other side of the building. Here's pics:
On the staircases, there were these little windows near the floor. Weird... |
Once on the roof, I was taken aback by how cool a roof it was. |
For reference to how high I was. (In elevation, I mean. Don't do drugs kids.) |
Comes with a balcony! |
I looked off one side and saw this area of trees I'd never seen before ever...that's just how lost I was. |
Minitopic 1: Moonphase Famicom reference
I recently watched the anime Moonphase on Netflix (great show, very funny) and found a Famicom in one episode.
There, in the bottom left. That's the back of a Famicom. (Also, on the bottom right - it's not what it may look like.) |
Topic 2: In-N-Out
I've gone to In-N-Out (great burger place - "quality you can taste") a few times since last post. I always take pictures of my burger when I go, and sometimes at other places. It's to use the 'Burgers' tag and to parody those people who Instagram their Starbucks cups. (Seriously! Who cares?!) Plus, I like the luster of the burgers. Pics below. They aren't in too good an order since I just kinda pulled the photos without much organization.
Looks like this one came from the holiday season. |
I also got a burger from Sonic Drive-In....not the best I've had. Their grilled cheeses are better. |
I usually just get a cheeseburger (just plain meat, cheese, and bun - I don't like burgers that come with miniature salads in them), fries, and root beer. |
SHINE(y burger) GET! (Yes I know it's spelled 'shiny') |
This is my new favorite place to sit. |
Lookidat shine. I think it's from grease. |
Good to know. |
They print Bible verses in red on the bottoms of food wrappers and containers. |
More cool trivia about In-N-Out quality. |
"These burger close-ups are kinda cheesy..." (Ironically for the pun, you can't actually see the cheese in these pictures.) |
Topic 3: Christmas Gets!
I got all sortsa cool stuff for Christmas. I even got a buncha money that I used to buy more stuff on Boxing Day. (A-1 Comics was having a sale. Gunpla were only 20% off, but I got something anyway. Scroll down a lot to the Gundam section to see.) Pics:
A collection of most of the stuff I got. Batteries - AA and AAA. I asked for them specifically because it always seems my family never has any. Root beer - I got two small cans. One I drank quickly, and the other (pictured) I'm saving to later drink in front of my brothers to make them jealous. Gundam thing - See below pic. Sonic screwdriver - see below (x2) pic. Lexar USB + SD card coupons - I got a new SD card and USB storage thing. Each came with a little coupon thing for some program. The SD card comes with 16 GB, 8 times as much as my 3DS' built-in one. (?!?!?!?!??!!!) I now use it to record multiple 10-minute videos (which you'll see on my retrogaming blog) and download lotsa demos. The USB thing I just use as another USB thing. Butterscotch hard candies - Not for Christmas. I went to a thing and they had 2 bowls full of them. At the end, everybody took a million. I came home with about 4 or 5 times as much as is shown. Doctor Who figure - See below (x7) pic. Tic Tacs - I got them in my stocking. I kinda like Tic Tacs.* (Not pictured) Gundam New Year Campaign Card - I got it at the top of my stocking. It came from getting the [model I will be later showing you] from Model Grade. Project X Zone, Pokemon Y - See below (x3) pic. |
I didn't get this for Christmas - I got it on Boxing Day at A-1 Comics. It was the last one left. I wish I'd gotten a good guy... |
One of my favorites. This is the 10th Doctor's screwdriver. It's very handy. Until break ended, I took it with me everywhere. |
Pokemon Y! Awwwww yeeeeeaaah. I love that game, it's amazing. Next to it is Project X Zone, the special boxed limited edition. I love the heck outta that game. It's a super crossover RPG from Namco Bandai, Sega, and Capcom. I'm on chapter 20-something. Sadly, there aren't hardly any classic characters like in Namco X Capcom. (It included Bravoman, Wonder Momo, Dig Dug [Hori Taizo], Valkyrie, Toby Masuyo, Klonoa, Gil [from Tower Of Druaga] and more classic characters I would've loved to see in PXZ.) Valkyrie (Namco), Arthur, Ken and Ryu (Capcom), and some others made it though. It's still a great game. |
The Domo pillow and new Playstation Move were Christmas gifts, but the MSG DVD was from Dimple on Boxing Day. |
The PXZ limited edition came with a big poster thing, a little visual book, and a soundtrack. Very cool. |
A picture of the track list on the soundtrack CD. So glad they included the Valkyrie theme, that's a favorite. |
I was hoping to get a Dalek or the TARDIS or something, but no, I got a "one-off incidental character" - Mr. Heywhoturnedoutthelights. |
I don't know what this is doing in here. |
Topic 4: Gundam!
Yes, I labeled that Gundam and not just Gunpla - I did get that MSG DVD. (See above section.)
I got this on the 23rd of December. I found it in a store called Hobbytown USA near a dollar store. I was delighted to find a small Gunpla section there. It was mostly SD, but they had some HG. I actually found the Gunpla Starter Set Vol.2! The store clerk guy said they'd always carried Gundam. Great discovery! |
The reason I picked that model was because it said 'Limited' on it. I can't seem to find this model anywhere online, so I assume I was right and that this is some super-rare edition. |
Oh yeah, and I got this for Christmas. I got a New Year Campaign card with it. My parents said it was even a dude-to-the-door delivery since Model Grade's close to us. I've wanted the Build Strike since it was available! But now the Star Build Strike is out for preorder, and I want that too... |
By the way: this is an in-universe custom Gunpla in Gundam Build Fighters. I watch each episode right as it comes out! |
I also bought this on Boxing Day. It was like $80, but I'd gotten $100 for Christmas (!!) and A-1 Comics was having a sale. |
My first Master Grade. I'm excited to build it. |
Oh yeah, and I finished the RG-78-2. (Lame pun?) There were like, >120 different decals. |
A close-up. Notice the abundance of detail, decals, and detailed decals. |
For size comparison and cool pose consideration. |
Here's the decal! |
A weird manufacturing error in a Zaku II board. Luckily, it was one of those ones that doesn't do anything to anything important and you just take a picture of it. |
OK, that's it for updates to this blog. Check out the update post I'll do on the retrogaming blog(see provided link at the right of the page), it's gonna be amazing! (Fun fact: In this post, the only labels I didn't use were Legos[I haven't gotten any Lego stuff in a while, I'm more interested in building certain other models], Puffles[for obvious reasons], Six Flags[also for obvious reasons], and Retrogaming[because all my new retrogaming posts now go to the retrogaming blog].)
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