This is R.O.B., a citizen of the Rec Room. Note that he happens to be a robot. |
Here he is sharing a soda with his best friend, the Pooka. This along with candy bars composes their usual meals. |
These are some of his other friends. They don't really do much. (From left to right: Mushroom, Sonic, R.O.B., ElecMan.)
R.O.B. mostly plays video games all day, his living area is filled with them. (Update: This picture got onto Taste of Awesome [http://www.tasteofawesome.com/] and got a 3-tier caption chain!) |
Today it seems he fell asleep playing Gyromite last night. Again. |
Pooka woke him up and now they're trying to figure out how to read, I think. Maybe they just like the pictures. |
R.O.B. wants to play this fun-looking game but alas, his short arms don't reach the controls. |
He ends the day the way it started: playing the NES. |
Of course he falls asleep doing so... |
Yes! I have a post featuring the Robotic Operating Buddy, my favorite robot. This post is actually sort of parodying a post from another blog (called Famicomblog), and if you want to see the original post then
here's a link. The original post looks at the
ファミリーコンピュータ ロボット (Family Computer Robot), R.O.B.'s Japanese cousin. They are pretty much twins, except the FR has
red arms and a more
yellowish skin tone. Read more
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