Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Six Flags/Boardwalk Trip Part 2: Boardwalk and Awesome Arcade

 Hey, this is the 2nd part out of 3 in my Six Flags series. It's about the boardwalk we went to and the awesome arcade that was there. Again, some pictures may be out of order.
A lot of the games used the font from the old game Scramble for some reason.
This game was one of the exceptions.
This may not be the Scramble font, but I seriously see it everywhere. It's called "Hobo SD" or something like that, I think. It's used in Donkey Kong and Fix-it Felix Jr. (marquee/logo), that hot dog stand, the exit sign in Sugar Rush, and a million other places that I can't remember right now.
Little did I know how awesome this place would be when I first saw that sign.
I don't always like some of the American stereotypes, but I can't deny that they started for a reason.
I never understood why this section of the boardwalk was called "Dipper."
I wish I'd gotten to ride those rollercoasters.
Doesn't that "FREE REFILL" text look a bit like the Wreck-it Ralph logo?
I never did find out what that place sold.
At first the arcade we found later had the usual lame games - the ones where there's moving parts besides the controls, and you try to win some impossibly valuable prize or a bunch of tickets.
Why did Atari use those funky 1P/2P start buttons?
This is a really bad picture of me being really good at Asteroids.
You probably can't tell from the picture, but for some reason, the ship's bullets/pulses/shots look like these indescribable lights that are brighter than everything else and fly across the screen.
Hmm....last I played this game, I sucked at it. Not so much this time around.
Those initials (mine) later appeared on 3 other games.
A better picture of the text.
Even though I kind of got there by default, 9310 isn't too bad a score.
Awesome side art!
I played a multigame thing there too. Sorry, couldn't resist. I only played Berzerk and Mr. DO! on it.
Another game with LRB standing on the board.
Dang, that guy PAR above me is good...so said many a golfer.
Mr. DO! is a favorite game of mine and my dad's.
I'm pretty good at it, I'd say.
Game over before reaching the intermission? That's unusually bad for me.
Oh well, I made first place anyway.
LRB strikes again.
Still got the coin door art on it!
And it's not even a conversion - it's a dedicated machine, with the Peter Pepper cutout-thing!
Get ready, me...
Hey, that went a lot better than it does on Vizzed.
Oh man, it's this level, I never beat this level!
This is going pretty far without using a pepper-spray for me.
Dang it! It was gonna happen sometime...(notice I have 7 peppers!)
Hey, at least I made it to level 3.
NO! That was my last life! Hey, I got a pretty good score...
Now to scroll to 'END....'
I love the noise it makes while he does that little dance.
LRB on yet another game, oh yeah!
Things are not as they seem here...
Yes! I got to the intermission! (That sure is a funny-lookin' ghost...)
I'm usually much better at Pac-Man...hey, a high score's a high score.
Plot twist! I was playing Pac-Man Plus, the "exciting new" lame, unauthorized Bally Midway "upgrade" kit for Pac-Man. It makes the game do all sorts of crazy stuff that no one would expect. The ghosts in blue form look different, there are new "fruits," the ghosts have new, harder behaviors, the maze is a different color, and I think the Pac-Dots are too. Like when you get a Power Pellet, sometimes only 3 ghosts will change, sometimes they'll turn invisible, sometimes the maze will turn invisible, all sorts of scams. I really only played it because 1. I didn't think it would be too different from regular Pac-Man which I am awesome at, and 2. I'm not sure, but I think Pac-Man Plus might be a rare-ish game. Someone from KLOV or wherever, please inform me on this.
Yay, someone finally chooses Marble Madness - Dad!

Here's a short video of him playing it.
The marquee looks so cool. I wonder whether this or Scramble came first, 'cause one of them is stealing the other's font.

I didn't know Marble Madness used trackballs, much less awesome lit-up ones.
Yeah, my dad's good at old arcade games too. Unlike me though, he got a long time to practice.
He's #5, DAV. I guess he decided to try to use his name instead of his initials.
Guess what other unlicensed Bally Midway Pac-Man game they had (Pac-Man Plus being the first)?
Nope...not gonna play you...

...Unless Dad does.
He got pretty far - this is the 3rd intermission, and it played like a whole bunch of times until Game Over.
He said himself that he'd never gone this far before as a kid.
As he got deeper and deeper into the far-off levels, more of my brothers started watching.
Seriously, he literally got more and more points by the second. No, faster than that.

As you can see, he's pretty good. This is actually one of his worst runs of any maze that playthrough, seeing as he lost a life.
He got so far, the ghosts didn't even bother to turn blue most times when he ate a Power Pellet.
By the time he got game over, his score was 134,280. I wonder if that's a record of any kind. Unfortunately, he later whacked the coin door because it wouldn't acknowledge that one of my brothers had put in a coin, and not only did it give back the coin like he said it would, but the whole machine reset and did the startup RAM/ROM checkthing where a buncha random stuff goes by. Needless to say,his score was gone. My brother set the new high score afterwards.
So that's it for part two. Next episode: Redtro Robin and wRapping Things Up

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